Industry News

Industry news plays a vital role in understanding the latest trends in housing, title insurance, and escrow services. From monthly housing market updates to practical tips and best practices, staying informed can help navigate the complexities of real estate with confidence. Plymouth Title Guaranty Corporation shares insights and updates designed to keep professionals and homebuyers prepared for every step of the process.

Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

July 2020 Market Updates

With states easing restrictions on the economic shutdown, job gains and consumer activity have surged. The Fed has added to that further news regarding their activity in the treasury and mortgage markets.

Although May and early June saw much economic growth, only time will tell how sustainable that is given the current social, political, and health climate we are in.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

COVID-19 Stimulus Package

The $2 trillion dollar stimulus package signed by President Trump is the first attempt by the government to slow the economic downturn caused by COVID-19. The stimulus, the largest in U.S. history, provides relief for individuals, families, and several businesses. Here’s what you need to know.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

April 2020 Market Updates

The market has been anything but normal over the past few weeks as the U.S. economy has come to a standstill amid the COVID-19 outbreak. States and cities across the U.S. have issued stay-at-home orders.

President Trump had initially hoped the economy would be reopened by mid-April, but his latest guidelines urge stay-at-home orders to remain in effect through the entirety of the month. Only essential businesses — real estate, title insurance, healthcare, hospitality, food, shipping, law, infrastructure, and energy — have remained open with the rest moving their operations entirely online and mandating “work-from-home” policies.

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