Industry News

Industry news plays a vital role in understanding the latest trends in housing, title insurance, and escrow services. From monthly housing market updates to practical tips and best practices, staying informed can help navigate the complexities of real estate with confidence. Plymouth Title Guaranty Corporation shares insights and updates designed to keep professionals and homebuyers prepared for every step of the process.

Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

July 2021 Market Updates

The latest data shows that inflation continues its epic climb while home sales rapidly recover across the country. As a result, the outlook on economic growth and future Fed policy remains stagnant. The Fed stated that their core PCE target is 2.0%. In May 2021, core PCE rose 3.4% higher than a year ago. While this is slightly below the consensus forecast, core PCE jumped up from an annual rate of increase of 3.1% in April.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

May 2021 Market Updates

The economy gained 916,000 jobs in March 2021; revisions added 156,000 more. Strength was seen in the hospitality and construction sectors. The unemployment rate dropped from 6.2% to 6.0%. Average hourly earnings, an indicator of wage growth, fell slightly. They were 4.2% higher than a year ago, down from 5.2% last month. Last week's key employment data revealed that companies are hiring back workers who were let go due to the pandemic even quicker than anticipated. At the end of February, job openings jumped to 7.4 million, well above the consensus forecast. The Department of Labor releases the total number of new claims for unemployment insurance each week; the latest reading was 547,000, the lowest level in over a year.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

April 2021 Market Updates

Recent reports have continued to show reasons for positivity related to the economy in job growth and inflation, but many investors continue to worry about the long-term effects leading into the rest of the year.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

End of Year Refinancing

Like many Americans, you have probably wondered if end of year refinancing would result in a better monthly payment, lower interest, and an overall better financial situation for you and your family. However, December might truly be the best time to consider your options and decide if refinancing is the right next step.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

November 2020 Market Updates

With a world full of constantly changing factors that make impacts on the market, we have to look for the official numbers to make projections and find insights into the markets. Here are some findings from recent reports across the country.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

Rising Home Prices During the Pandemic

Despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic left millions unemployed, destroyed the economy, and saw businesses closing their doors left and right, there have been rising housing prices across the United States. Even though the market dropped in the beginning stages of the pandemic, it made a rapid and relieving recovery, with median home prices hitting a high in July in spite of the impending recession and economic crisis.

Even with all the madness going on, the housing market is historically driven by two factors: demographics and mortgage rates. And regardless of everything that has been going on, neither of these two factors has suffered in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. It might seem counterintuitive given the current state of the world that the cost of homes is increasing, so why do home prices continue to climb?

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

October 2020 Market Updates

Economic activity continues to ramp up as the nation further eases COVID restrictions and prepares for the upcoming presidential election. Social unrest, the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and concerns over the Coronavirus pandemic continue to remain incredibly important.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

September 2020 Market Updates

States continue to slowly reopen their economies. Restaurants and retail stores continue to open at impressive rates, albeit with occupancy restrictions and other COVID regulations in place. Schools have begun to reopen, and the economy as a whole is sitting in a much better place than originally anticipated.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

August 2020 Market Updates

After many states had moved towards phased reopenings of their respective economies, many are now preparing to hunker back down as COVID numbers rise and uncertainty continues to prevail.Nonetheless, July brought plenty of good news throughout the market. Overall, the United States economy appears to be recovering quicker than originally expected.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

July 2020 Market Updates

With states easing restrictions on the economic shutdown, job gains and consumer activity have surged. The Fed has added to that further news regarding their activity in the treasury and mortgage markets.

Although May and early June saw much economic growth, only time will tell how sustainable that is given the current social, political, and health climate we are in.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

June 2020 Market Updates

With GDP growth falling 4.8% in the first quarter of the year, consumer spending dropping to record lows, and unemployment nearing all-time highs, there is a major focus on the economic recovery. As states and counties prepare to reopen, here is what you need to know about the state of the overall economy.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

May 2020 Market Updates

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to dominate the headlines. Some states are finally starting to open back up, while others are committed to a few more weeks, at least, of the stay-at-home order. Investors and markets across the world wait in limbo for daily updates.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

COVID-19 Stimulus Package

The $2 trillion dollar stimulus package signed by President Trump is the first attempt by the government to slow the economic downturn caused by COVID-19. The stimulus, the largest in U.S. history, provides relief for individuals, families, and several businesses. Here’s what you need to know.

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Industry News Rick Young Industry News Rick Young

April 2020 Market Updates

The market has been anything but normal over the past few weeks as the U.S. economy has come to a standstill amid the COVID-19 outbreak. States and cities across the U.S. have issued stay-at-home orders.

President Trump had initially hoped the economy would be reopened by mid-April, but his latest guidelines urge stay-at-home orders to remain in effect through the entirety of the month. Only essential businesses — real estate, title insurance, healthcare, hospitality, food, shipping, law, infrastructure, and energy — have remained open with the rest moving their operations entirely online and mandating “work-from-home” policies.

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